I, Frank, received a very nice thank you note from C. U. P. S. they support "In From The Cold". They have signed up about 35 churches in the Calgary area. Twice each month they have a bus bring 15 people from the downtown area.
These are the working poor who have no place to sleep. They bring them to the churches in the evening. Church volunteers give them supper a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning and take them back down town so they can go to work. It's hard to save the $2000.00 for the first months rent and deposit.
Blankets for Canada has donated about 600 blankets to this agency. They have about 5000 people come to them for help each month. Letters have also been received from the "Mustard Seed", "Sheriff King Home", Salvation Army Youth Centre", thanking us for our help and support.
When we were told they needed about 9000 blankets, minimum, in Calgary nearly every year they where not far wrong. I know there is need all across Canada. I want to thank all of you that help in any way and let you know your help is really appreciated.