The middle of January 1999, we came to where we are now a wheel chair accessible space provided by Lethbridge Centre Mall. This space is donated Free of Charge for our use. We now had a place to inventory and distribute our blankets. We meet on Mondays 10 - 4 and Thursdays 10-5 to Stitch N Chat. Many new friends have been made at the fun meetings. We knit, crochet and sew blankets together. Some people come for the day and some for just an hour or so. People are free to come and go as they wish. You don’t have to make an appointment or go by a schedule you just show up and have fun. Many people have dropped off donations of yarn to help those who are doing this work.

1999 Main Office and Storefront in Lethbridge


1999 Our Favourite Couple - Hanna and Harvey